(澳洲)Natural Animal Solutions -NAS
NAS Omega Oil 369 有機奧米加 369 油 500ml
型號: p11801yNASO1001
存貨狀態: 現貨產品






  1. 澳大利亞最好的歐米茄油系列
  2. 高EPA / DHA
  3. 可持續收穫的成分
  4. 營養支持皮膚和毛髮的健康
  5. 支持消化健康
  6. 去除皮膚氣味
  7. 保持健康的關節
  8. 支持體重管理
  9. 支持心臟,大腦和肝臟
  10. 有多種尺寸可供選擇,以滿足您的需求
  11. 用非滴漏泵輕鬆添加食物
  12. 適合所有年齡的貓,狗,馬和小動物

Omega Oils are an essential part of your pet’s health, supporting digestion, healthy joints, skin & coat and overall wellbeing.

Omega 3 fatty acids (Alpha-linolenic acids) are polyunsaturated fatty acids that the body cannot produce. While there are many types of Omega 3 fatty acids, the most common are Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA). These oils also support heart health, brain function, weight management, liver condition, fighting inflammation, promoting bone health and preventing asthma.

Omega 6 fatty acids are also polyunsaturated fatty acids and also cannot be produced by the body. The main function of Omega 6 fatty acids is to produce energy. The most common Omega 6 fatty acid is linoleic acid.
Omega 9 fatty acids are monounsaturated fatty acids. Unlike Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, Omega 9 fatty acids can be reproduced by the body. It has been found that an increase in Omega 9 fatty acids can support our sensitivity to insulin.

  1. Australia’s best value Omega Oil range
  2. High in EPA/DHA
  3. Sustainably harvested ingredients
  4. Nutritionally support skin and coat health
  5. Support digestive health
  6. Remove skin odour
  7. Maintain healthy joints
  8. Support weight management
  9. Supports heart, brain and liver
  10. Available in multiple sizes to suit your needs
  11. Easily add to food with a non-drip pump
  12. Suitable for cats, dogs, horses and small animals of all ages


Ingredients 成


Cod liver oil, linseed oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, vitamin E.


Directions for Use 使用方

SizeWeightSerrves per dayServing size rangeMaintenance Serve
Toy Dog1-5kg12-3ml2-3ml
Small Dog5-20kg13-8ml3-8ml
Medium Dog20-40kg18-12ml8-12ml
Largr Dog40kg+112-15ml12-15ml



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